
Watch the ball as it approaches you. If the ball comes wide, step across and leave the ball. It might be caught by a slip fielder or wicket keeper if you attempt to play a shot. Change your position as the ball approaches to make your work easier. You can use your front foot or back foot. Never try to be fancy.
  • Watch the bowler's hand and seam position.
  • Watch the ball from the hand adjust to swing or turn.
  • Learn to pick the shot from seeing these things.Be a Good Batsman Step 2.jpg

Decide what shot to play. Move your front foot forward and towards the ball as the ball approaches if you decide to play a shot and the ball is full. If the ball is short then move your back foot backwards and slightly away from you. Learn different front foot and back foot drives.
  • Play it as late as possible for fast balls or seamers.
    Swing your bat straight and follow through with your swing. You can also play cross bat shots but these have a higher risk and require more practice.
  • Don't hold the bat too tightly; this causes shot lengths to decline considerably.
  • Be a Good Batsman Step 4.jpg
4 remember that timing is more important than strength. Full strength and no timing will result in the ball traveling no more than 10 yards (9.1 m) while a properly timed shot with little power will fetch you more.

Be straight and steady while playing. Don't lose your balance while playing the shots. Keep a minimum distance between the wickets and your bat. This will minimize the chances of getting out.

  1. Be a Good Batsman Step 7.jpg
    Concentrate on the ball and pick the line and length of the ball. This will help you to hit better.
    • At times, the bowler may seem to change the pace and length of where they bowl. This may be beneficial for the bowler, but to be able to time one well, you will need to know where the ball will be pitched. If it seems to be a shorter delivery, you always have the option to play a pull shot, or to duck under the ball. If the ball seems to be pitched at a fuller length, you have the option to block, or go for a straight drive.
    1. Be a Good Batsman Step 8.jpg
      Play your shot as late as possible. Hitting the ball early will make it go up in the air and you will get caught.
      • Aim to play shots down on the ground.

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